Thursday, February 5, 2009


My grandmother was a big influence on my love of theater, and of all arts. She took me to my first musical, and to my first Broadway show, and watched me dance around to the music of many original cast albums. She took me to Europe on the Grand Tour when I was 14. She was a fun lady, a world traveler, and she'd shared a piano bench with Duke Ellington at Lake Shore Country Club. We have photos of her in glamorous formal gowns at sophisticated-looking parties. She was at the opening of the Union Square Cafe (owner Danny Meyer is the grandson of her neighbor Rosetta Harris), and likewise she saw "Hair" and "A Chorus Line" when they were obscure downtown productions. She was loving and interesting and cool!


  1. Hey Susie,
    Woke up this morning remembering how your Gram treated us to a weekend in NYC (freshman or soph year??, staying at the Biltmore Hotel and eating pretzels at night, but can't remember the show we saw!! Brain cells are disappearing rapidly these days. Enlighten me. For Christmas, Natalie gave us tickets to Wicked on Jan. 8th. Cole and I loved it - the story, sets, musical and comedic talent - it was the complete package. Bought the CD and have been singing along with Glinda and Elphaba ever since. Char

  2. Hey Susie,
    Woke up this morning remembering how your Gram treated us to a weekend in NYC (freshman or soph year??), staying at the Biltmore Hotel, and eating pretzels at night, but I can't remember the show we saw. Brain cells are disappearing rapidly these days! Enlighten me. For Christmas, Natalie gave us tickets to see Wicked on Jan. 8th. Cole and I loved it - the story, sets, musical and comedic talent - it was the complete package. Bought the CD and have been singing along with Glinda and Elphaba ever since.
